Student Services

Parent Information

If you believe your child is struggling academically, socially, emotionally, having problems or difficulty communicating due to a disability, you may make a referral for Special Education. (A referral here is a technical term and is defined as a formal request asking your child to be evaluated to see if they are eligible for special education.)

You should make the referral in writing. Send a copy to the Principal, Special Education Director, or School Building Coordinator. When you write a referral letter, it should contain the reasons why you believe your child may have a disability and needs special education.

Once the school receives your referral, we will schedule a meeting within 15 business days. You will receive an invitation to this meeting. The (IEP) Individualized Education Program team meets to determine if your child’s needs can be met through regular education services or if your child should be evaluated for special education. You will need to give written permission before the school can perform any formal evaluations.

For additional information regarding the special education process, please feel free to contact the Special Education Director, Colleen Sliva, at