Farmington Flexible Learning Program


Welcome to the Farmington Remote/ Flexible Learning Program info page!

To support learning in times where traditional physical classroom learning is not an option, we have created a Farmington Remote/ Flexible Learning Program to continue student learning outside traditional classroom walls.

Laptop Image
  • To see what platforms your student's teacher is using, go to their school site and look for the staff directory or staff list with teachers names, websites or materials being used.
    • at VVCS, go to Staff Directory to Staff List Flexible Learning Materials
    • HWMS staff directory
    • FHS staff directory (choose drop down under Dept Directory Menu)
  • Proposed Virtual Learning Day schedule for students

Support information for families

Remote Learning Schedule Changes

NH Food Access Map from the UNH Extention

For technology support, email to start a support ticket or call 1(603) 755-8012 and leave a message. Our IT staff check the inbox remotely at times scheduled day and evening. Online office hours 8-5 M-F and Sunday 6-8 pm.

For the nurse's hotline, email or call each building's nurse directly and the message forwards to their email inbox checked regularly:

  • VVCS Nurse 755-8011
  • HW Nurse 755-8182
  • FHS Nurse 755-8006

If you are a family that does not have access to a device or internet for your students, please call the device hotline at (603) 755-8211

How to Resources to support students with their remote materials:

Full Details of Farmington Flexible Learning

This Google document is updated constantly as we review this fluid situation. View full screen.