Join Us in Shaping the Future
Partner with Farmington School District to inspire, empower, and support the next generation of leaders and learners.
Welcome to the Curriculum, Learning, and Assessment Home Page!
We are excited to launch our new website and share our learning with you.
The Farmington School District has developed a robust curriculum aligned with the New Hampshire Department of Education State Standards in order to ensure all students are career and college ready upon graduation. On this page you will find links to our current K-12 Curriculum Maps; Assessment tools; Professioanl Development; MTSS Academic Interventions; and links to important academic resources for your family
Our Tiger Goals are intended to help our students as they roar into the future!
Roar into learning!
And roar into being the best they can be!
The Farmington High School graduate is a critical thinker, effective communicator, and lifelong learner who possesses the knowledge and skill sets necessary to become an active and productive member of their community. This graduate uses their mastery of curricula to pursue long-term career goals, whether they pursue higher education, enlist in the armed forces, or enter the workforce.
Archived 2022-2023
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